Video, course materials
Metagenomics data analysis
• beginnerMetagenomics -
course materials, Training materials, Slides
Hands-on workshop in Marine Metagenomics
Slides from Data Management Planning Workshop
• beginnerData management Data deposition Data retrieval Data handling Data management plan data management -
Slides from Data Management Planning Workshop
• beginnerData management Data handling Data retrieval Data deposition Data management plan data management -
Slides from Data Management Planning Workshop
• beginnerData management Data deposition Data retrieval Data handling Data management plan data management -
Slides from Data Management Planning Workshop
• beginnerData management Data deposition Data retrieval Data handling Data management plan data management -
Data Management Planning workshop for new Life Science Projects
• beginnerData management Data deposition Data handling Data retrieval data management plan NeLS TSD metadata sensitive data publication … -
Slides from DMP writing workshop, for Researchers in Aas, online 09.03.- 10.03.2021
• beginnerData management Data deposition Data handling Data retrieval Data management plan data management -
Slides DMP writing workshop for Researchers in Bergen online 21.04. - 22.04.2021
• beginnerData management Data retrieval Data handling Data deposition Data management plan data management -
Using the Norwegian e-infrastructure for Life Science and usegalaxy.no
• beginnerNeLS Data storage data sharing Data analysis -
ELIXIR-CONVERGE - The why of research data management
• beginnerData management FAIR data Data curation and archival Data security Data integration and warehousing Data Life Cycle Data Steward Data Data access management Data management plan … -
ELIXIR’s Impact Toolkit, to support performance and impact evaluation in a distributed data research infrastructure for the life sciences
• beginnerImpact Research Infrastructure Monitoring Indicator Evaluation Sustainability -
Life Science RDM 2023 Course - Extended version in 6 modules
• beginnerData management FAIR data Biology Genomics Imaging Proteomics Bioinformatics Biodiversity Data Management Plan Data management planning … -
Life Sciences Research Data Management 2023 Course by ELIXIR Norway
• beginnerData management Data curation and archival Data handling Data deposition Data retrieval -
Create, customise, and maintain a Data Management Plan
• beginnerData management Data management planning -
Create and Handle a Data Management Plan
Navigating Licensing in Bioinformatics: Software and Data Perspectives
Life Sciences Research Data Management 2024 Course by ELIXIR Norway
• beginnerData management Data curation and archival Data handling Data deposition Data retrieval Data management planning -
Create, customise, and maintain a Data Management Plan
• beginnerData management Data management planning -
Life Science Data Management: Planning Workshop
• beginnerData management Data curation and archival Data handling Data deposition Data retrieval Data management planning
An important foundation for the successful collaboration on e-infrastructure in Norway is NRIS - a collaboration of five organisations to pool competencies, resources and services. The collaboration was until recently known as "the Metacenter".
NRIS consists of highly qualified IT staff at...
0 events (6 past events)NRIS https://www.sigma2.no/nris https://tess.elixir-europe.org/content_providers/sigma2-nris An important foundation for the successful collaboration on e-infrastructure in Norway is NRIS - a collaboration of five organisations to pool competencies, resources and services. The collaboration was until recently known as "the Metacenter". NRIS consists of highly qualified IT staff at the four universities NTNU, the Universities of Bergen, Oslo and Tromsø and employees at Sigma2, counting almost 50 people. The purpose is a geographically distributed competence network that ensures that all researchers who use the national e-infrastructure have quick and easy access to domain-specific support close to the user. /system/content_providers/images/000/000/635/original/NRIS-Logo.png?1653914194 -
Centre for Digital Life Norway
The Centre for Digital Life Norway (DLN) is a national centre for biotechnology research, education and innovation. It is run as a collaborative project by the University of Oslo (UiO), University of Bergen (UiB), and the Norwegian University of Science and Technology (NTNU), supported by the...
8 training materials0 events (17 past events)Centre for Digital Life Norway https://www.digitallifenorway.org/ https://tess.elixir-europe.org/content_providers/centre-for-digital-life-norway The Centre for Digital Life Norway (DLN) is a national centre for biotechnology research, education and innovation. It is run as a collaborative project by the University of Oslo (UiO), University of Bergen (UiB), and the Norwegian University of Science and Technology (NTNU), supported by the Research Council of Norway. The activity is organised as a leadership and network project, including a research school and research projects. The centre facilitates transdisciplinary collaboration across institutions and fields of research, and between the research projects. The host institutions of the research projects constitute the hub- and node-structure of the network. /system/content_providers/images/000/000/168/original/DLN_logo.png?1607439289 -
9 training materials0 events (27 past events)ELIXIR Norway http://elixir-norway.org https://tess.elixir-europe.org/content_providers/elixir-norway /system/content_providers/images/000/000/087/original/elixir_norway_white_background.png?1530281111 -
NORBIS, the Norwegian national research school in bioinformatics, biostatistics and systems biology
NORBIS is the Norwegian research school in bioinformatics, biostatistics and systems biology, and was founded in 2015. The school is a collaboration between eight Norwegian universities, and aims to build and unite competences at a national level. We develop new courses, build educational tracks...
0 events (1 past event)NORBIS, the Norwegian national research school in bioinformatics, biostatistics and systems biology https://norbis.w.uib.no https://tess.elixir-europe.org/content_providers/norbis-the-norwegian-national-research-school-in-bioinformatics-biostatistics-and-systems-biology NORBIS is the Norwegian research school in bioinformatics, biostatistics and systems biology, and was founded in 2015. The school is a collaboration between eight Norwegian universities, and aims to build and unite competences at a national level. We develop new courses, build educational tracks and promote a new scientific community for our students. It is our aim that our graduate students will contribute strongly to methods development within the fields covered by the school, and that they will drive and contribute to the most important scientific projects in molecular life sciences in Norway and internationally. The NORBIS research school provides a high quality PhD education through its network of excellent research groups in Norway. We aim to educate method-oriented researchers, who in the next round will develop, teach, train, drive, and support use of bioinformatics, statistical genomics and computational biology within the wider area of molecular life science. /system/content_providers/images/000/000/098/original/400dpiLogo.jpg?1535006729
Activity log