Create, customise, and maintain a Data Management Plan
Create your own Data Management Plan template, share it with your group and export it according to a format compliant with requirements from the funders. See more details on the event page
DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.7534362
Licence: Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International
Target audience: Data Managers
Version: v2
Status: Archived
A general understanding of DMPs and common practices in data management is an advantage. No additional software is required, but the participants are requested to create an account beforehand on UiO’s instance of DSW.
Learning objectives:
- Understanding how an organisation or research group can adopt DSW to users within a certain domain
- Starting a new DMP on DSW, from scratch or from a set of pre-filled recommendations
- Sharing and working collaboratively on the DMP
- Assessing the FAIRness of your dataset based on the DMP * Export a DMP according to funders' templates, including the Science Europe template (adopted by the Research Council of Norway) and Horizon Europe
- Creating customised questionnaires and adapting existing ones; making these questionnaires public
Date created: 2024-01-12
Date published: 2024-02-02
Scientific topics: Data management
Operations: Data management planning
Activity log