Reusing existing data
Reproducible data analysis with RStudio, github and Rmarkdown
Valorisation and intellectual properties in research data management
Preserve, publish and share your data
Introduction to Protein Structure Analysis
Online material, hands-on tutorial
Introduction to Docker and Singularity
• beginnerReproducibility Container Singularity -
hands-on tutorial
A tour of Machine Learning
•• intermediateMachine learning Classification Deep Learning Machine Learning -
Data Management and Writing a Data Management Plan
• beginnerData management -
Slideshow, Training materials
Prediction of protein structures and complexes with AlphaFold on the HPC
•• intermediateProtein structure analysis Machine learning Structure prediction Structure visualisation Multiple sequence alignment AlphaFold Database (13181) -
Basic statistics in Prism
• beginnerStatistics and probability statistics -
hands-on tutorial
Bulk RNASeq analysis
•• intermediateTranscriptomics Gene expression Differential gene expression profiling Expression analysis Data analysis NGS RNASeq transcriptomics -
Presentation, course materials
Introduction to Nextflow workshop
• beginnerWorkflows Nextflow DSL2 -
Training materials
Containers & Workflow pipelines workshop
•• intermediateContainers Nextflow -
slides, R Shiny application
Proteomics Data Analysis (PDA)
•• intermediateProteomics proteomics quantitative proteomics -
slides, scripts
Bioinformatics for Proteomics
• beginnerProteomics -
Basic statistics theory
• beginnerStatistics and probability statistics -
hands-on tutorial
R introduction
• beginnerR script Software engineering data visualisation programming -
hands-on tutorial
NGS analysis
•• intermediateSequencing NGS Next Generation Sequencing -
hands-on tutorial
Introduction to Research Data Management
• beginnerData quality management Data curation and archival Research Data Management Research Publishing -
Jupyter notebooks
Gentle hands-on introduction to Python programming
• beginnerSoftware engineering Python programming -
Introduction to Linux command line
• beginnerOperating system name Linux -
hands-on tutorial
Introduction to Git and Github
• beginnerSoftware engineering Git Github Version control -
Introduction to CLC Main Workbench
• beginnerSequence alignment Sequence Analysis -
hands-on tutorial
Gentle Introduction to Python
• beginnerPython script Software engineering Programming Python -
hands-on tutorial
AlphaFold and friends on the HPC
•• intermediateProtein structure analysis Machine learning Structure prediction AlphaFold Database (13181) -
hands-on tutorial
Explore Protein Structures with ChimeraX
• beginnerProtein structure analysis Sequence analysis Structure visualisation ChimeraX Protein Structure analysis
Activity log