Types of statistical studies
ChIP-seq analysis using R - Experimental design and peak calling.
Recorded webinar
Using the PDBe graph API
Thalemine tutorials
Galaxy Server administration - Galaxy from an administrator point of view
Hypothesis testing
Categorical data
Introduction to Viral Bioinformatics
• beginnergenes and genomes infectious disease medicine and health services and resources training -
hands-on tutorial
Adding and updating best practice metadata for Galaxy tools using the bio.tools registry
• beginnerSoftware engineering Development in Galaxy -
NGS introduction to file formats
Introduction to NGS and RNA-seq
Reproducible research and R authoring with markdown and knitr
Variants: alignment and pre-treatment; GATK
RNA-Seq Analysis with Biocluster and R
EMBO High Throughput Sequencing Data Analysis, Cambridge, UK, 2014
CRISPRseek: Design of target-specific guide RNAs in CRISPR-Cas9 genome-editing systems
RNA-seq module Frederik Coppens
Day 1 - RNA-Seq Analysis
Recorded webinar
Exploring metabolite metabolism using the Enzyme Portal
Material for the course RNA-seq data analysis with Chipster
Preprocessing RNA-Seq data
ChIP-seq analysis using R - Practical
Working with Ranges infrastructure: annotating and understanding regions
Exploratory analysis and downstream analysis
Pitfalls and best practices for serializing Bioconductor objects
Showing 30 materials out of 2608
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