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WEBINAR: Variant interpretation: from the clinic to the lab… and back again
WEBINAR: Effective, inclusive, and scalable training in the life sciences, clinical education and beyond
Webinar, e-learning
Postgraduate Curriculum in Rare Kidney Diseases developed by ERKNet
••• advancedRare diseases Rare Diseases & Research -
Webinar, e-learning
Education and Training webinars on genetic tumor risk syndromes (ERN GENTURIS)
••• advancedRare diseases Rare Diseases & Research -
Webinar, e-learning
Webinars on rare neurological diseases (ERN-RND)
••• advancedRare diseases Rare Diseases & Research -
Recorded webinar
Submitting metagenomic data to ENA
WEBINAR: MaveDB: discovery and interpretation of high-throughput functional assay data
e-learning, Webinar
EATRIS Transmed Academy - course on translational medicine
••• advancedRare diseases Rare Diseases & Research -
e-learning, Webinar
Integrated DEsign and AnaLysis of clinical trials in small population group (IDeAl) resources
••• advancedRare diseases Rare Diseases & Research -
Recorded webinar
Investigating microbial ecology in extreme habitats
Recorded webinar
Europe PMC: Programmatic access
Recorded webinar
Finding and using publicly available data Q&A session
Recorded webinar
Improving data reproducibility for chemosensitivity assays using MICHA
Recorded webinar
Bioinformatics sequence analysis web services with Job Dispatcher
Europe PMC: get the most from literature searches
Recorded webinar
Ensembl gene annotation for clinical genomics
Recorded webinar
EurOPDX IT tools to support cancer research with patient-derived xenograft models
Recorded webinar
Pangenomics and machine learning for crop improvement
Recorded webinar
Introduction to the Ensembl Bacteria genome browser
Recorded webinar
Practically FAIR
Recorded webinar
Calculating polygenic scores with the Polygenic Score Catalog Calculator
Recorded webinar
The Pathogens Portal: A gateway to vast biomolecular data for pathogen research
Europe PMC, programmatically
WEBINAR: Global data resources for human genomics and health
Recorded webinar
Statistical thinking for microbial ecology
Recorded webinar
UniProt and Alzheimer's Disease: Linking molecular defects to disease phenotype
Recorded webinar
Exploring metagenomes to assess microbiomes across the globe
Recorded webinar
Strain-resolved approaches for human microbiome studies
Recorded webinar
Harmony in diversity: exploring the rich microbiomes of South American wildlife
Recorded webinar
Curating proteins involved in Antimicrobial Resistance (AMR) in UniProt