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Ensembl Browser Workshop: Plants and Microbes
Recorded webinar
Analysing linkage disequilibrium with Ensembl
Recorded webinar
Introduction to the Ensembl Bacteria genome browser
Ensembl: Browser webinar series
Ensembl: Filmed Perl API Workshop
Recorded webinar
Methods for exploring newly-annotated species in Ensembl Rapid Release
Recorded webinar
Studying genes and genomes with Ensembl genome browser
Ensembl: Browsing genomes
Recorded webinar
Guide to exploring genes and genomes with Ensembl
Ensembl: REST API
Recorded webinar
Exploring plant genes and genomes with Ensembl
Recorded webinar
Mouse strains in Ensembl
Recorded webinar
Genomic features that regulate gene expression, with Ensembl
Recorded webinar
Introductory bioinformatics Q&A session: genes and gene expression
Ensembl: Quick tour
Ensembl Genomes (non-chordates): Quick tour
Recorded webinar
Getting gene and genome data programmatically: Ensembl REST API
Recorded webinar
Visualising your own data in the Ensembl genome browser
Recorded webinar
The Ensembl Rapid Release genome browser
Introductory bioinformatics: A curated set of EMBL-EBI online courses
Introduction to ProteinsPlus
Identifier mapping with Cytoscape
Recorded webinar
Wheat resources in Ensembl Plants
Recorded webinar
Annotating your own variation data with the Ensembl Variant Effect Predictor (VEP)
Recorded webinar
Explore Human Pangenome Reference Consortium (HPRC) data in Ensembl
Tutorial, Vignette
BridgeDbR Tutorial
• beginnerELIXIR RIR, BridgeDb -
Recorded webinar
Ensembl gene annotation for clinical genomics
Recorded webinar
Introduction to EMBL-EBI for teachers and trainers
Recorded webinar
Explore gene expression across species with Expression Atlas
Recorded webinar
Curating proteins involved in Antimicrobial Resistance (AMR) in UniProt