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Working with Beacon V2: A Comprehensive Guide to Creating, Uploading, and Searching for Variants with Beacons
••• advancedGenetic variation Variant Analysis -
Querying the University of Bradford GDC Beacon Database for Copy Number Variants (CNVs)
• beginnerGenetic variation Variant Analysis -
Video, Manual, Slides, Installation instructions
How to install and deploy Beacon
• beginnerGenomics genomics open access eLearning EeLP -
Deploying a Beacon v1 in Galaxy
• beginnerGalaxy Server administration beacon ga4gh git-gat -
Slides, Computer Software
ELIXIR Beacons (at ISMB / ECCB)
• beginnerbeacon -
Series of videos
CINECA discovery service catalog
•• intermediateCohort data Standards federated data analysis Beacon queries -
WEBINAR:Genomic data - improving discovery and access management
Recorded webinar
Federated analysis for polygenic risk score calculations
Video, Presentation
Introduction to the EGA and its Ecosystem of Tools
GTN Smörgåsbord 2: Tapas - A Very Short Introduction to Galaxy