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Introduction to CATH database: Exploring structure and function
Recorded webinar
Genome3D annotations in InterPro
Galaxy Tool Management with Ephemeris
• beginnerGalaxy Server administration -
Karel Berka and Marian Novotný - Alphafoldology - Machine Learning revolution in structural biology
Running molecular dynamics simulations using GROMACS
•• intermediateComputational chemistry -
User, Role, Group, Quota, and Authentication managment
• beginnerGalaxy Server administration -
Connecting Galaxy to a compute cluster
• beginnerGalaxy Server administration features -
Running Jobs on Remote Resources with Pulsar
• beginnerGalaxy Server administration ansible git-gat jobs -
Mapping Jobs to Destinations using TPV
• beginnerGalaxy Server administration git-gat jobs
Genome 3D
Genome3D provides consensus structural annotations and 3D models for sequences from model organisms, including human.
These data are generated by several UK based resources in the Genome3D consortium:
SCOP, CATH, SUPERFAMILY, Gene3D, FUGUE, THREADER, PHYRE.8 training materialsGenome 3D Genome3D provides consensus structural annotations and 3D models for sequences from model organisms, including human. These data are generated by several UK based resources in the Genome3D consortium: SCOP, CATH, SUPERFAMILY, Gene3D, FUGUE, THREADER, PHYRE. /system/content_providers/images/000/000/006/original/images?1469458224 -
Birmingham Metabolomics Training Centre
Providing training to empower the next generation of metabolomics researchers.
The Birmingham Metabolomics Training Centre provides training to the metabolomics community in both analytical and computational methods. The training centre partners with both the Phenome Centre Birmingham and the...
0 events (26 past events)Birmingham Metabolomics Training Centre Providing training to empower the next generation of metabolomics researchers. The Birmingham Metabolomics Training Centre provides training to the metabolomics community in both analytical and computational methods. The training centre partners with both the Phenome Centre Birmingham and the NERC Biomolecular Analysis Facility to provide vocational training courses in clinical and environmental metabolomics. We offer a combination of both face-to-face and online courses. The Birmingham Metabolomics Training Centre is directed by Dr Warwick Dunn, Professor Mark Viant, Dr Ralf Weber and Dr Catherine Winder. /system/content_providers/images/000/000/084/original/12106_BMTC_lock-up_AW-01.jpg?1508159124