De Bruijn Graph Assembly
Questions this will address
- What are the factors that affect genome assembly?
- How does Genome assembly work?
Learning Objectives
- Perform an optimised Velvet assembly with the Velvet Optimiser
- Compare this assembly with those we did in the basic tutorial
- Perform an assembly using the SPAdes assembler.
Licence: Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International
Keywords: Assembly
Target audience: Students
Resource type: slides
Version: 9
Status: Active
- Introduction to Galaxy Analyses
- Quality Control
Learning objectives:
- Perform an optimised Velvet assembly with the Velvet Optimiser
- Compare this assembly with those we did in the basic tutorial
- Perform an assembly using the SPAdes assembler.
Date modified: 2022-02-07
Date published: 2017-05-24
Contributors: Anne Fouilloux, Bérénice Batut, Cristóbal Gallardo, Helena Rasche, Niall Beard, Nicola Soranzo, Saskia Hiltemann, Yvan Le Bras
Scientific topics: Sequence assembly
Activity log