lessons, e-learning

Introduction to Data Management Practices - Open Science and FAIR

The aim of this lesson is to acquaint you with, and make you reflect upon, the principles of Open Science and FAIR. Also to make you aware of the emerging changes regarding openness and tranparency for research being put forth by society at large.

Licence: Creative Commons Attribution Share Alike 4.0 International

Contact: edu.intro-dm@nbis.se

Keywords: Open science, FAIR, Data management, CONVERGE

Target audience: Researcher in life sciences, PhD candidates, Scientists

Resource type: lessons, e-learning

Status: Active



Learning objectives:

By the end of this lesson you will:
- Understand the reasons for Open Science
- Have a better understanding of the FAIR priniciples
- Understand the emerging new demands for openness for research

Authors: Niclas Jareborg

Contributors: Yvonne Kallberg, Stephan Nylinder, Elin Kronander, Wolmar Nyberg Åkerström, Erik Hedman, Mattias Strömberg, Markus Englund

Scientific topics: Data management, Open science, FAIR data

External resources:

Activity log