hands-on tutorial

Reference-based RNA-Seq data analysis

The questions this addresses are:
- What are the steps to process RNA-Seq data?
- How to identify differentially expressed genes across multiple experimental conditions?
- What are the biological functions impacted by the differential expression of genes?

The objectives are:
- Check a sequence quality report generated by FastQC for RNA-Seq data
- Explain the principle and specificity of mapping of RNA-Seq data to an eukaryotic reference genome
- Select and run a state of the art mapping tool for RNA-Seq data
- Evaluate the quality of mapping results
- Describe the process to estimate the library strandness
- Estimate the number of reads per genes
- Explain the count normalization to perform before sample comparison
- Construct and run a differential gene expression analysis
- Analyze the DESeq2 output to identify, annotate and visualize differentially expressed genes
- Perform a gene ontology enrichment analysis
- Perform and visualize an enrichment analysis for KEGG pathways

Licence: Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International

Keywords: QC, Transcriptomics, bulk, collections, cyoa, drosophila, rna-seq

Target audience: Students

Resource type: hands-on tutorial

Version: 93

Status: Active


  • Introduction to Galaxy Analyses
  • Mapping
  • Quality Control

Learning objectives:

Check a sequence quality report generated by FastQC for RNA-Seq data
- Explain the principle and specificity of mapping of RNA-Seq data to an eukaryotic reference genome
- Select and run a state of the art mapping tool for RNA-Seq data
- Evaluate the quality of mapping results
- Describe the process to estimate the library strandness
- Estimate the number of reads per genes
- Explain the count normalization to perform before sample comparison
- Construct and run a differential gene expression analysis
- Analyze the DESeq2 output to identify, annotate and visualize differentially expressed genes
- Perform a gene ontology enrichment analysis
- Perform and visualize an enrichment analysis for KEGG pathways

Date modified: 2024-07-17

Date published: 2016-10-05

Authors: Anika Erxleben, Bérénice Batut, Clemens Blank, Lucille Delisle, Mallory Freeberg, Maria Doyle, Mo Heydarian, Nicola Soranzo, Pavankumar Videm, Peter van Heusden

Contributors: Clea Siguret, Helena Rasche

Scientific topics: Transcriptomics

Activity log