GTN Smörgåsbord 3: FAIR data and provenance with RO-Crate and Galaxy - Building RO-Crates - An overview of the RO-Crate concept and its implementations
European Nucleotide Archive - Quick Tour
Unlocking the Power of Metadata
ENA : SARS-CoV-2 Submission Workshop
WP3 Discoverability hackathon v2 on Feb 8th
FAIRsharing in a nutshell
FAIRsharing content: standards overview
FAIRsharing content: databases overview
FAIRsharing for you: researchers
FAIRsharing for you: journal publishers
FAIRsharing for you: funders
FAIR Cookbook: hands-on recipes to make and keep data FAIR
FAIRsharing for you: libraries and trainers
FAIRsharing for you: developers and curators
FAIRsharing for you: societies and alliances
Data management in life sciences with RDMkit
Euro-BioImaging's Guide to FAIR BioImage Data 2023
BY-COVID Spring 24 Baseline Use Case Workshop
Data sharing and reuse under GDPR - BY-COVID Fest workshop report
Mutation calling, viral genome reconstruction and lineage/clade assignment from SARS-CoV-2 sequencing data
Avian influenza viral strain analysis from gene segment sequencing data
Submitting sequence data to ENA
Maturity Model for Pathogen Data Platforms
Pox virus genome analysis from tiled-amplicon sequencing data
Removal of human reads from SARS-CoV-2 sequencing data
Pathway analysis with the MINERVA Platform
Challenges and issues in data management
Euro-BioImaging's Guide to FAIR BioImage Data 2024
GTN Smörgåsbord 3: OneHealth - Building a pathogen surveillance system with Galaxy - An automated SARS-CoV-2 genome surveillance system built around Galaxy
GTN Smörgåsbord 2: Tapas - A Very Short Introduction to Galaxy
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