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Karel Berka and Marian Novotný - Alphafoldology - Machine Learning revolution in structural biology
Recorded webinar
Accessing and interpreting predicted protein structures from AlphaFold database
Recorded webinar
How to interpret AlphaFold structures
Recorded webinar
Scope and vision of AlphaFold
Recorded webinar
Impact of AlphaFold on research and development
hands-on tutorial
AlphaFold and friends on the HPC
•• intermediateProtein structure analysis Machine learning Structure prediction AlphaFold Database (13181) -
Recorded webinar
Impact of AlphaFold on teaching and training in life sciences
WEBINAR: AlphaFold: what's in it for me?
Slideshow, Training materials
Prediction of protein structures and complexes with AlphaFold on the HPC
•• intermediateProtein structure analysis Machine learning Structure prediction Structure visualisation Multiple sequence alignment AlphaFold Database (13181) -
AlphaFold: A practical guide
AlphaFold2 - ML revolution in structural biology
hands-on tutorial
Introduction to Protein Design
•• intermediateProtein structure analysis Machine learning Structure prediction AlphaFold Structure design -
2022 highlights
Recorded webinar
Exploring protein families and domains using InterPro
Recorded webinar
AlphaMissense predictions for human genetic variation research