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Why share your data?
RDMbites | FASTQ files in colorspace
E-learning + workshop
Data Sharing in Clinical Research
Helis Academy course FAIR data stewardship 2021, Day 5, Archiving data
• beginnerFAIR data Data management Data handling Data preserving Data sharing -
Recorded webinar
Open access: Data sharing and submission
Helis Academy - Data Sharing, publishing and archiving
WEBINAR: MetaboLights: the home for metabolomics experiments and derived information
Slides, Training materials
FAIR Data Stewardship - Data sharing, archiving and publishing
• beginnerData Life Cycle FAIR data management data stewardship data repositories data sharing data publication -
Training materials
Plant Phenotyping Data managment (MIAPPE)
• beginnerPhenomics Plant biology Data management Annotation Data formatting Plant Phenotyping Data-format data sharing -
Helis Academy course FAIR data stewardship 2021, Day 2, Infrastructure for storing and sharing data
• beginnerData management FAIR data Data analysis Data handling Data processing Data sharing -
Recorded webinar
Ethics/ELSI considerations - From FAIR to fair data sharing
RDMbites | How to write a data sharing agreement between collaborators
RDMbites | How to write a data sharing agreement for public use of data
Overview of the
• beginnerFAIR data Data management FAIR FAIR principles Data sharing -
Using the Norwegian e-infrastructure for Life Science and
• beginnerNeLS Data storage data sharing Data analysis -
Data sharing and reuse under GDPR - BY-COVID Fest workshop report
FAIR data - Module 3 (Metadata)
• beginnerBioinformatics Biology Data management Data handling metadata data annotation life science standards data sharing -
WEBINAR: Establishing Gen3 to enable better human genome data sharing in Australia
Helis Academy course FAIR data stewardship 2021, Day 1, Publisher requirements
• beginnerFAIR data Data management Data handling Data analysis Data management planning Data preserving Data sharing -
FAIR data - Module 4 (share and publish data)
• beginnerBioinformatics Biology Data management data sharing Data publishing legal framework data warehouse licensing data reuse -
Helis Academy course FAIR data stewardship 2021, Day 1, Institute requirements
• beginnerFAIR data Data management Data handling Data analysis Data preserving Data reuse Data management planning Data sharing -
Workshop FAIR & Data stewardship for the 2020 ITN COSMIC
• beginnerFAIR data Data management Data analysis Data handling Data collection Data management planning Data preserving Data processing Data reuse Data sharing -
Workshop FAIR & Data stewardship for the 2020 ITN ProEVLifeCycle
• beginnerData management FAIR data Data handling Data analysis Data management planning Data processing Data sharing Data collection Data preserving Data reuse -
Workshop FAIR & Data stewardship for the 2021 ITN ProEVLifeCycle
• beginnerData management FAIR data Data handling Data analysis Data management planning Data processing Data sharing Data collection Data preserving Data reuse -
FREE online course
From Swab to Server: Testing, Sequencing, and Sharing During a Pandemic
•• intermediatemetadata Sequencing genomics Genomic data data quality scientific quality assurance data sharing ethics data ethics public health … -
RDMbites | Why share your data?
• beginnerdata management RDM -
slides, scripts
Bioinformatics for Proteomics
• beginnerProteomics -
FREE online course
Making sense of genomic data: COVID-19 web-based bioinformatics
• beginnerbioinformatics NGS bioinformatics Next generation sequencing data analysis covid-19 sars-cov-2 coronavirus data-analysis data visualization genomics Genomic data … -
Biomedical data: Ethical, legal and social implications
In the context of collaboration between metabolomics (MetaboHUB French infrastructure) and bioinformatics platforms (IFB: Institut Français de Bioinformatique), we have developed full LC/MS, FIA-MS, GC/MS and NMR pipelines using Galaxy framework for data analysis including preprocessing,...
Workflow4metabolomics In the context of collaboration between metabolomics (MetaboHUB French infrastructure) and bioinformatics platforms (IFB: Institut Français de Bioinformatique), we have developed full LC/MS, FIA-MS, GC/MS and NMR pipelines using Galaxy framework for data analysis including preprocessing, normalization, quality control, statistical analysis (Univariate, Multivariate PLS/OPLS) and annotation steps. Those modular and extensible workflows are composed with existing components (XCMS and CAMERA packages, etc.) but also a whole suite of complementary homemade tools. This implementation is accessible through a web interface, which guarantees the parameters completeness. The advanced features of Galaxy have made possible the integration of components from different sources and of different types. Thus, an extensible Virtual Research Environment (VRE) is offered to metabolomics communities (platforms, end users, etc.), and enables preconfigured workflows sharing for new users, but also experts in the field. /system/content_providers/images/000/000/659/original/17082156.png?1667905557 -
COG-Train is an international educational initiative providing open-access learning in SARS-CoV-2 genomics. It aims to facilitate an increase in global genome sequencing and analysis capacity, reduce sequencing inequality and enhance pathogen surveillance.
The programme’s training courses and...
4 training materialsCOG-Train COG-Train is an international educational initiative providing open-access learning in SARS-CoV-2 genomics. It aims to facilitate an increase in global genome sequencing and analysis capacity, reduce sequencing inequality and enhance pathogen surveillance. The programme’s training courses and development are built around our core concept of partnering with international researchers, public health experts and surveillance networks and providing open-access FREE training for all. COG-Train is funded by Wellcome Trust and the Foreign, Commonwealth & Development Office and led jointly by COVID-19 Genomics UK (COG-UK) consortium and Wellcome Connecting Science (WCS). Whole Viral Genome sequencing is an essential tool to identify and track the emergence and spread of SARS-CoV-2 variants as the COVID-19 pandemic progresses. Sequence data informs public health interventions and the further development of diagnostics, therapeutics and vaccines. There is inequity of access to pathogen sequencing worldwide, and COG-Train is committed to contributing towards efforts that close this gap. By building global partnerships with sequencing networks and scientists around the world, we hope to build a truly inclusive training programme that shares the many challenges faced in sequencing efforts, as well as highlighting the numerous success stories, and facilitating knowledge sharing. Outputs include a series of massive online, open-access courses on all aspects of SARS-CoV-2 sequencing based on WCS’s successful use of the FutureLearn platform, as well as week-long intensive virtual training courses, short expert workshops and concurrent distributed Classrooms, the latter of which utilises blended training. The distributed classroom model will be used to increase reach and impact of the learning materials, with training being delivered simultaneously in multiple classrooms across many countries. The training programme includes train-the-trainer components to help further build capacity in-country, rather than rely on a one-hit train and leave model. The COG-Train educational programme builds on the COG-UK values of data sharing, open collaboration, value for money, inclusivity and the prioritisation of public health impact. /system/content_providers/images/000/000/644/original/COG-Train_Logo.png?1657104279 -
eNanoMapper developed a computational infrastructure for toxicological data management of engineered nanomaterials (ENMs) based on open standards, ontologies and an interoperable design to enable a more effective, integrated approach to European research in nanotechnology. eNanoMapper supports...
10 training materialseNanoMapper eNanoMapper developed a computational infrastructure for toxicological data management of engineered nanomaterials (ENMs) based on open standards, ontologies and an interoperable design to enable a more effective, integrated approach to European research in nanotechnology. eNanoMapper supports the collaborative safety assessment for ENMs by creating a modular, extensible infrastructure for transparent data sharing, data analysis, and the creation of computational toxicology models for ENMs. eNanoMapper was funded by the European Union’s Seventh Framework Programme for research, technological development and demonstration under grant agreement no 604134. /system/content_providers/images/000/000/092/original/logo.png?1528313779