RDMbites | Data catalogues for different data types
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Creator: Sandra Ng (
Reviewers: Robert Andrews ( , Tim Beck (
The RDMbites are funded by the ELIXIR-UK: FAIR Data Stewardship training UKRI award (MR/V038966/1)
The CLUSTER Cosortium (MR/R013926/1) supported the developement of this resource
00:00 Learning objectives
00:30 Data catalogue: definition
00:58 Example: transcriptomic metadata
01:49 Columns relevant to transcriptomic data
02:40 Image datasets
05:32 Grouping linked datasets
05:00 Acknowledgments
Licence: Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International
Keywords: research data management, RDM
Resource type: Video Lecture
Learning objectives:
- To be able to capture details of transcriptomic data in a data catalogue
- To adapt your data catalogue for different data types
- To understand how to link together related datasets
Contributors: Sandra Ng, Robert Andrews, Tim Beck
Activity log