Training materials, lessons
FAIR for busy biologists
The “FAIR for Busy Biologists” course caters to researchers in biological and biomedical fields (PhD students, postdocs, technicians and even PIs) interested in Open Science and data management.
This course provides a concise introduction to the FAIR (Findable, Accessible, Interoperable, Reusable) data principles. Participants will learn how to implement FAIR practices throughout their research projects, fostering data reuse and collaboration.
Derived from the comprehensive “FAIR in Bio Practice” program, it focuses on core topics, featuring concise content and targeted exercises to deliver essential knowledge in a shorter timeframe.
Licence: Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International
Keywords: FAIR, Open Science, Reproducibility, Metadata, Repositories, Tidy data
Target audience: PhD Students, Postdocs and Staff members, Technicians
Resource type: Training materials, lessons
Status: Active
Learning objectives:
After following this lesson, learners will be able to:
-explain elements of the Open Science movement
-explain FAIR principles and understand their importance
-plan their own data management strategy
-prepare their data for re-use
-apply approaches and tools into a FAIR-ready research data lifecycle
-find suitable resources for delivering Open Science and FAIR data
Activity log