Date: 23 October 2024 @ 12:00 - 13:00

Timezone: Brussels

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Daniel Wibberg (CAU / ELIXIR Germany), Nazeefa Fatima (ELIXIR-NO), Jill Jaworski (ELIXIR-SE), Patricia Palagi (ELIXIR-CH)

23 October - 12:00-13:00


The main objective of this new course format - Training Clinic - is to provide participants with new knowledge and skills in the field of training in order to conduct training courses more effectively and create better training material. We invite trainers and scientists interested in training to take part! The content of the training clinic is specifically designed for current and aspiring trainers seeking to enhance their expertise and effectiveness in their field.

The session also grants the possibility to exchange experiences between trainers and help connecting trainers. The course will be divided into different modules to facilitate the learning process. It will include a combination of lectures, practical exercises and case studies. This provides participants with both theoretical knowledge and practical experience. However, the focus should be on the exchange of problem-solving treatments.

In the third edition, we will delve into “Time Management in Training Courses”. Discover effective strategies and proven techniques to enhance your punctuality and productivity. Whether you're an instructor or a participant, mastering time management can significantly improve your training experience. Don't miss this opportunity to learn how to stay on schedule and make the most out of every session!

Learning goals:
- Improving training / teaching skills
- Trainer Networking

Interest in Training

Training Clinic

City: Online

Country: Germany

Organizer: de.NBI / ELIXIR-DE

Event types:

  • Workshops and courses

Activity log