ELIXIR Luxembourg & ELIXIR Germany Train the Trainer
Date: 3 - 5 July 2024
Timezone: Brussels
Renato Alves (HD-HuB / ELIXIR Germany) Helena Schnitzer, Daniel Wibberg (CAU / ELIXIR Germany), Roland Krause (ELIXIR Luxembourg)
3-5 July
Esch-sur-Alzette (Luxembourg)
This ELIXIR Train the Trainer (TtT) course is aimed at everyone who is interested in becoming a better teacher. In particular, this training is aimed at those who want to become a experienced ELIXIR instructor, run workshops and develop training materials.
You don’t currently have to be an instructor or a teacher to attend this workshop, but you will be expected to be willing and committed to becoming one and to improve your teaching techniques.
Four core topics form the basis of this ELIXIR TtT course structure:
Principles of learning and how they apply to training
Training techniques for enhancing learner engagement and participation
Design of engaging sessions, materials and courses
Assessment and feedback in training
This is therefore composed of a mix of lectures and hands-on lessons where you will learn and practice techniques through group exercises and discussions. As this course focuses on teaching practices, no particular technical background is required but some prior experience with teaching is desirable.
Attendees should be equipped with a personal laptop
Venue: Luxembourg Learning Center
City: Esch an der Alzette
Country: Luxembourg
Postcode: 4361
Organizer: ELIXIR Luxembourg, de.NBI /ELIXIR Germany
Event types:
- Workshops and courses
Activity log