Showing 30 materials out of 61
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WEBINAR: Getting started with command line bioinformatics
WORKSHOP: Variant calling in humans, animals and plants with Galaxy
WEBINAR: Detection of and phasing of hybrid accessions in a target capture dataset
WEBINAR: Getting started with deep learning
WEBINAR: Making sense of phosphoproteomics data with Phosphomatics
WEBINAR: Conflict in multi-gene datasets: why it happens and what to do about it - deep coalescence, paralogy and reticulation
WEBINAR: Making sense of phosphoproteomics data with Phosphomatics
WEBINAR: Making sense of gene and protein lists with functional enrichment analysis
WEBINAR: Building the future of bioinformatics with Nextflow: Technical innovation, community engagement, and career development opportunities
WEBINAR: Where to go when your bioinformatics outgrows your compute
WORKSHOP: Variant calling in humans, animals and plants with Galaxy
WORKSHOP: Introduction to Machine Learning in R - from data to knowledge
WORKSHOP: RNASeq: reads to differential genes and pathways
WEBINAR: Here's one we prepared earlier: (re)creating bioinformatics methods and workflows with Galaxy Australia
WORKSHOP: Online data analysis for biologists
WEBINAR: Portable, reproducible and scalable bioinformatics workflows using Nextflow and Pawsey Nimbus Cloud
WEBINAR: Conflict in multi-gene datasets: why it happens and what to do about it - deep coalescence, paralogy and reticulation
WEBINAR: Getting started with RNAseq: Transforming raw reads into biological insights
WEBINAR: A practical guide to AI tools for life scientists
WEBINAR: Getting started with proteomics
WEBINAR: MaveDB: discovery and interpretation of high-throughput functional assay data
WEBINAR: AlphaFold: what's in it for me?
WEBINAR: Conservation genomics in the age of extinction
WORKSHOP: Introduction to Metabarcoding using QIIME2
WEBINAR: Getting started with R
WEBINAR: Getting started with deep learning
WORKSHOP: Hybrid de novo genome assembly
WEBINAR: Pro tips for scaling bioinformatics workflows to HPC
WORKSHOP: Refining genome annotations with Apollo
WEBINAR: Launching the new Apollo Service: collaborative genome annotation for Australian researchers
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