Date: 11 - 12 June 2024

Timezone: Brussels

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This Image Processing carpentry workshop uses Python and skimage to allow researchers to do fundamental image processing as part of their analyses. A working knowledge of Python and some previous exposure to the Bash shell is required.


City: Norwich

Region: Norfolk

Country: United Kingdom

Postcode: NR4 7UZ


These requirements can be fulfilled by:

completing a Software Carpentry Python workshop or
completing a Data Carpentry Ecology workshop (with Python) and a Data Carpentry Genomics workshop or
independent exposure to both Python and the Bash shell.
If you’re unsure whether you have enough experience to participate in this workshop, please read over this detailed list, which gives all of the functions, operators, and other concepts you will need to be familiar with.

Before joining the workshop, please complete the data and software setup described in Further Information.

Please ensure this is done well in advance of the course start date, as we will not have time to troubleshoot software issues that arise in the morning.

Organizer: Earlham Institute

Host institutions: Earlham Institute

Event types:

  • Workshops and courses

Activity log