Bioimaging data analysis on the HPC
Date: 10 October 2024
This course will introduce the use/potential of scientific high-performance computing for image analysis. Scientific high-performance computing enables to scale up bioimage analysis and opens new avenues for research. You will learn how to use and access existing supercomputer infrastructures in Belgium (VSC) using the Open On Demand portal. You will learn how to run common image analysis tasks using software with GUI (napari) or through jupyter notebook.You will identify which online and reusable resources are available for your problem (i.e., bioimage model zoo or other resources).
Venue: Leuven - Campus Gasthuisberg, Herestraat 49
City: Leuven
Country: Belgium
Postcode: 3000
Organizer: VIB
Event types:
- Workshops and courses
Sponsors: Flanders BioImaging
Activity log