Content Providers
Glittr ( is a web application that helps you find and compare bioinformatics training materials on GitHub and GitLab.
620 training Glittr ( is a web application that helps you find and compare bioinformatics training materials on GitHub and GitLab. /system/content_providers/images/000/000/692/original/logo-with-domain.png?1698843802 -
LIPID Metabolites And Pathways Strategy (LIPID MAPS®) is a multi-institutional supported website and database that provides access to a large number of globally used lipidomics resources. LIPID MAPS® has internationally led the field of lipid curation, classification, and nomenclature since 2003....
5 training materials0 events (1 past event)LIPID MAPS LIPID Metabolites And Pathways Strategy (LIPID MAPS®) is a multi-institutional supported website and database that provides access to a large number of globally used lipidomics resources. LIPID MAPS® has internationally led the field of lipid curation, classification, and nomenclature since 2003. We strive to produce new open-access databases, informatics tools and lipidomics-focused training activities will be generated and made publicly available for researchers studying lipids in health and disease. LIPID MAPS® Lipidomics Gateway was created in 2003 via an NIH “Glue Grant” to provide access to lipid nomenclature, databases, tools, protocols, standards, tutorials, meetings, publications, and other resources to serve the international lipid research community. LIPID MAPS® is currently funded by a multi-institutional grant from Wellcome, held jointly by Cardiff University, University of California San Diego, the Babraham Institute Cambridge, and Swansea University, as well as an Innovation Study funded by ELIXIR. LIPID MAPS® supports researchers to conduct integrative systems-level analyses of lipidomics in physiology and pathophysiology. /system/content_providers/images/000/000/672/original/LM_logo.jpg?1681981489